Is What You Do Really Any Different?

If you look you can find chiropractic care, whole food supplement nutrition, decompression therapy, and relevant lifestyle coaching. But rarely will you find it all in one place. At White House Chiropractic we take a Whole Body Health approach to health that...

Is It Safe?

Yes! Chiropractic care is remarkably safe. Especially when chiropractic care is delivered by a trained professional, who customizes their chiropractic adjusting procedures for the individual. If chiropractic care causes any discomfort, it usually causes temporary...

How Does It Work?

For many thousands of years many cultures have recognized that the spine holds a special place in the maintenance of human health and well-being. As one phrase puts it: “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.” In American health care today, our focus is...

How Often Do I Need to Come In?

At White House Chiropractic we make our recommendations based on your individual needs. There are three phases of care: Pain relief Stabilization Wellness The length of your care depends on whether you want to simply get out of pain, or get out of pain and prevent...

Will It Help Me Feel Better?

An overwhelming majority of our patients report improvements in a number of areas of their life–including pain relief! More energy, improved sleep, and a greater sense of well-being is also possible when you choose care at White House Chiropractic. When it comes...