Start Imagining!


You have taken the first step on your journey to better health. Our 21-day purification program is designed to give you more energy, improve your digestive system, and help you lose weight.

To get all your questions answered, join us for our Free Purification Discovery Meetings at our clinic. There is no cost for you to attend. This is a purely informational gathering so you can have all your questions answered.

WHAT:. Purification Discovery Meetings

WHERE:. White House Chiropractic

FOR MORE INFORMATION Call 615-672-7878

Still Have Questions? Want More Information?

1. Call 615-672-7878 to schedule a complimentary phone consultation with Dr. Banning

2. CLICK HERE to download our complimentary e-booklet:. 21 Days to a Better Future: How Purification Can Change Your Life Forever

3. Take our 3-minute Food Quiz to see how your eating habits may be affecting your health–and to discover how much purification may help you.

Click Here to take quiz.

4. Watch this Purification video from Standard Process by CLICKING HERE

5. Or use the form below to ASK THE DOCTOR.