The Truth is in the Toilet Bowl

Have you ever wondered what’s really in your daily vitamins? Where does that stuff come from? What makes your urine look like it just came out of a nuclear reactor? How do you know what’s actually good for you? This article answers those questions and...

Sock Marks Aren’t Sexy!

Have you ever noticed during the summertime how some people have sock marks dimpled into their skin long after they take them off? Some people don’t lose the marks till the next morning. Sexy huh? Don’t worry, this article isn’t about looking at...

Popsicle Toes

It could be eighty degrees and some woman are still freezing cold. How many of you guys get in bed only to be greeted by your significant other’s popsicle toes being attracted to your warm legs like a moth to a flame? Cold hands and feet are extremely common...

William Stinson’s Success Story

I have suffered with low and middle back pain for the past 2 years..  I have received epidural steroids and took hydrocodone without success..  After 1 week (3 treatments) I started to notice some improvement..  I was treated excellent by the staff and I loved the...

Janice Harrell’s Success Story

I have suffered with severe pain in my back & left upper side for 2 months..  I went to my family doctor, a pain clinic for tests, a neurosurgeon for more test and Rx drugs with no relief..  After two treatments and massage I could see a reduction in the intensity...