Chewing on the Fat

The bad news is you probably don’t get enough of the right fats in your diet. So, please use olive oil (cold pressed, extra virgin), walnut oil, flax seed and grape seed. These are actually beneficial as long as they are cold pressed. When cooking use only raw...


This is a very tricky area. Most people have one classification for carbohydrates when in reality there are three types – complex, simple, and processed. Unfortunately, for most patients suffering with imbalance problem most carbohydrates are a no-no. It is a...

The Secret of Nutrition & Weight Loss

Most people do not understand their body’s nutritional requirements, yet their bodies still do. Foods of commerce and food scientists have been unwilling to explain this to the masses. Chemically engineered foods are cheap to raise, process, ship and store. The...

Another Way to Blame Your Parents

We live in one of the richest countries in the world. Our food supply is second to none when it comes to choice, convenience, and shelf life. But does today’s food have the same vitamin and mineral content as the food our parent’s ate or their parent’s ate? What...

Filet Mignon vs Hot Dogs

They’re the same thing…right? They are both made from cows so they must be exactly the same. This is the argument the food and drug manufacturing companies have used for the last 70 years. If the same basic molecules are being used then the healing value of using...